The Žemaitukas (plural: Žemaitukai, literally: „little Samogitian”) is a historical pony breed from Lithuania, it is related to the indigenous forest horse breeds. Known from the 6-7th centuries, it was used as a war horse by Lithuanians during the Northern Crusades and is hailed in Lithuania as part of the state’s historical heritage.
In the recording you can hear folk ensemble „Sutaras” singing a Southern Lithuanian Shrovetide folk song praising a horse. It’s usually sung during the rides that people take on Mardi Gras carnival. Translation:
Oh, that’s the horse – that’s a splendid horse!
With his hooves he was beating the direction all the way,
With his ears he’s already listened to all the birds,
With his eyes he’s already counted all the stars in the sky,
With his tail he’s been sweeping the song all the way!
Užgavėnių pasivažinėjimo daina iš Adutiškio Švenčionyse, atlieka tautiška kapela „Sutaras” 1990m. įrašas, ir senosios lietuviškos žirgų veislės Žagarės valstybiniame žirgyne 1983m. iš režisieriaus Vidmanto Puplauskio filmo apie žirgą ir žmogų „Pasiilgom arklio”. Dainos žodžiai:
O tai arkys, o tai arklys –
O tai geras yra arklys, o tai geras yra arklys!
Kanapėlam, kanapėlam
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