Himno Nacional de Chile | Chile National Anthem Instrumental with Lyrics

The „National Anthem of Chile” (Spanish: Himno Nacional de Chile), also known as Canción Nacional (‘National Song’) or by its incipit Puro, Chile, es tu cielo azulado (‘How pure, Chile, is your blue sky’), was adopted in 1828. It has a history of two lyrics and two melodies that made up three different versions. The current version was composed by Ramón Carnicer, with words by Eusebio Lillo, and has six parts plus the chorus.


How pure, Chile, is your blue sky
And how pure the breezes that blow across you
And your countryside embroidered with flowers
is a wonderful copy of Eden.
How majestic are the snow-covered mountains
that were given to you by God as protection,
And the sea that tranquilly bathes your shores
Promises future splendor for you
And the sea that tranquilly bathes your shores
Promises future splendor for you.
Beloved Homeland, receive the vows
That Chile gave you on your altars
That you be either the tomb of the free
or a refuge from oppression
that you be either the tomb of the free
or a refuge from oppression
That you be either the tomb of the free
Or a refuge from oppression
or a refuge from oppression
or a refuge from oppression

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