Autentiška vestuvinė liaudies daina-ratelis iš Kupiškio renginyje „Kupiškėnų senybas teisyba”, šoka Kupiškio kultūros centro folkloro ansamblis „Kupkėmis”. Traditional folk song-dance from North-East Lithuania (Aukštaitija) which lyrics address the hop plant (humulus lupulus) as the making of beer was one of of the essential elements in traditional Aukstainian wedding customs. The women are wearing authentic folk costumes: linen wimples & shirt, long woolen skirts, white embroidered aprons, woven sashes.
Dainos žodžiai:
Apvynėli, apvynėli,
Apvynėli žoliasai,
Kai tave žolių sodino
Man močiuta augino
Kai žalias vyniojais
Aš kasalas pyniojaus
Kai tav žalių nuroškė
Mani jaunų užrošė
Dear hop, dear hop, you green one
When you, the green one, have been planted
My dear mother has been raising me
Dear hop, dear hop, you green one
When you, the green one, have been winding round
I have been making my braids
Dear hop, dear hop, you green one
When you, the green one, have been plucked
I, the young one, have been married out